KairuiHu’s Project Portfolio Page
ExpiryEliminator aims to help young adults living by themselves manage their ingredients and recipes they can cook based on the ingredients they have. The application is CLI based and is suitable for users who can type quickly and accurately.
Summary of Contributions
Code Contributed
- The Reposense page shows the amount of code I have typed in terms of functionalities, documentation, and testing.
Enhancements Implemented
Update recipe
- What it does : Allows users to update a recipe with its respective ingredients and quantities of ingredients in the Recipe List. Update of a recipe involves any changes to the current recipe, including adding ingredients to an existing recipe, deleting ingredients in the existing recipe, and modifying the quantities of ingredients in the recipe. When adding ingredients to a recipe, it helps the user add ingredients in this recipe to the Ingredient Repository if it is not stored in the Ingredient Repository initially.
View/Find a recipe
- What it does : Allows the user to find a recipe that is stored in the Recipe List.
List recipes
- What it does : Helps user list all the recipes stored in the recipe list.
Storage and loading of data
- What it does : Helps users automatically store the updates to the txt file once their commands are executed successfully, i.e, add/remove/update of any ingredients or recipes. And all the data will be loaded back from the txt files to storage once the program gets started.
- What it does : Display the usage instructions of each command.
Team Based Tasks
- Group discussion on the designs, features and implementations of the project.
- Add Instructions for manual testing.
- User Guide
- Added documentations for features
update recipe
,list recipe
,view recipe
- Added documentations for features
- Developer Guide
Review Contribution
- Suggestion given to a PR. #24