Joshua Dass - Project Portfolio Page
ExpiryEliminator aims to help young adults living by themselves manage their ingredients and recipes they can cook based on the ingredients they have. The application is CLI based and is suitable for users who can type quickly and accurately.
Summary of Contributions
Code Contributed
- The Reposense page shows the amount of code I have typed in terms of functionalities, documentation, and testing.
Enhancements Implemented
List Command
- Lists all the ingredients in the repository.
List Expiring Command
- Filters out ingredients that are expiring within the week .
- Lists all the expiring ingredients out.
List Expired Command
- Filters out ingredients that have expired then lists them all out.
Delete Expired Command
- Filters out all the expired ingredients, then deletes them from the ingredient repository.
View Ingredient Command
- Finds a specific ingredient from the ingredient repository and lists out its details.
Update Units Command
- Finds a specific ingredient from the ingredient repository and updates its units.
- Finds all instances of the specific ingredient from the recipe list and update its units.
Shopping List Command
- Takes in a list of recipes and collates all the ingredients required to cook them. Then compares the ingredients required to the ingredients that exist in the ingredient repository and generate a list of required ingredients that are missing and needed to buy.
- User Guide
- Added documentations for features/commands
,list expired
,list expiring
,delete expired
,update units
andshopping list
- Added documentations for features/commands
- Developer Guide
- Added implementation details and UML diagrams for features/commands
,list expired
,delete expired
,update units
andshopping list
. - Added design details and UML diagrams for
- Added implementation details and UML diagrams for features/commands
Contributions to Team-based tasks
- Helped manage issue tracker